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Q: Who created monarchy government?
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Is ancient Egypt a monarchy government?

The Answer is yes. Ancient Egyptian government was a monarchy.

When did the Romans change their government to a monarchy?

they didn't its went monarchy government dictatorship.

Is Morocco's government constitutional monarchy?

yes. morocco's government is constitutional monarchy.

What form of government is monarchy?

A monarchy is a government in which the king has the power to rule the country.

How did the government change rome over the years?

The government of ancient Rome went from a monarchy, to a republic, to a principate.The government of ancient Rome went from a monarchy, to a republic, to a principate.The government of ancient Rome went from a monarchy, to a republic, to a principate.The government of ancient Rome went from a monarchy, to a republic, to a principate.The government of ancient Rome went from a monarchy, to a republic, to a principate.The government of ancient Rome went from a monarchy, to a republic, to a principate.The government of ancient Rome went from a monarchy, to a republic, to a principate.The government of ancient Rome went from a monarchy, to a republic, to a principate.The government of ancient Rome went from a monarchy, to a republic, to a principate.

What form of government does Japan have?

It has a parliamentary government with a constitutional monarcy.Constitutional Monarchy

What is the type government in Saudi Arabia?

The Government of Saudi Arabia is an Absolute Monarchy. And I'm sure about it.. :)

What government is monarchy?

it is a government of butterflies

When was July Monarchy created?

July Monarchy was created in 1830.

When was Monarchy of Roses created?

Monarchy of Roses was created in 2010.

Can a government be a monarchy and an anarchy at the same time?

Can a government be both a monarchy and an anarchy at the same time