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The only people who could participate in Athens' democracy were male individuals, over eighteen, and born in Athens'.

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Q: Who could participate in Athens' democracy?
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Related questions

What kind of democracy did Athens have?

Athens had a direct democracy. All citizens in Athens could participate directly in the government. It is called direct democracy because each person's decision directly affects the out-come of a vote. Women, however, were excluded from this process.

Which was first the first example of direct democracy?

Greeks, most notably Athens; though only males citizens could participate.

How did development of democracy in Athens affect the lived of ordinary citizens?

For the first time, ordinary citizens could participate directly in government.

Why did the Athens and Greece could not vote?

athens was not true democracy

The government in ancient Athens was an example of this form of government?

The government in ancient Athens was an example of democracy. The Athenian government was the first democratic form of government recorded.

In Athens if you were a slave that bought your freedom can you participate in democracy?

to participate in democracy you had to be a citizenand to be a citizen you had to meet these requirements:1)had to be a male2)be able to trace linage back 3 generations3)born of Athenian class4)18 years old and upso no.but your great great grandson could!

Why did the Greeks invent democracy?

greek democracy only existed in Athens and only for a short time. it was very different than ours, it was only for freeborn men that were not in debt - no women, no poor, slaves could never participate even if they were given or earned freedom.

What were the 4 pillars of democracy in ancient Athens?

The four pillars of democracy in ancient Athens were the Assembly, where all citizens could participate and vote on important decisions; the Council of 500, which prepared legislation and oversaw daily government affairs; the Courts, where citizens served as jurors and decided legal cases; and the system of Ostracism, where citizens could vote to exile a public figure they deemed dangerous to democracy.

What is the first city state to establish democracy?

Athens Greece was the birthplace of democracy.

Did Sparta or Athens have a democracy?

Athens had a democracy; Sparta, an oligarchy.

In ancient Athens all male citizens had the opportunity to participate in the development of the government process and the selection of their leaders This situation is an example of?

direct democracy

What is the city where democracy was born?

Athens, Greece, as much as "democracy" could have been "born" in any one place.