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The party's state congresspersons or other sate party leader

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Q: Who besides Senators may suggest candidates for federal judge positions?
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Judicial candidates for federal judgeships are usually suggested by?

Candidates for Federal judgeships are suggested to the president by the Department of Justice, Senators, other judges, the candidates themselves, and the lawyers associations and other interest associations

What is the difference between state and federal senators?

State senators are elected by the residents of the state to represent them in the State Senate. Federal Senators are elected by the residents of a state to represent them in the Federal Senate. State senators make laws for the state, while Federal Senators make laws for the entire nation.

What is the portion of senators elected?

All senators are elected. There are no senators that are appointed to the position. This is true for both state and federal senators.

What is the purpose of the civil service?

In the United States many governmental positions are not by political appointment but instead candidates are chosen based on the results of Civil Service Examination Tests. The two fold purpose in this is to avoid "political " appointments and to have candidates for civil service be knowledgeable enough to serve in various positions. An example of this is a test given by the Federal Government to select Internal Revenue Agents. Its an all day test and the scores of the candidates are part of the selection process.

What branch of government do senators work for?

In what branch of federal government do senators work?

There are 10 federal cabinet positions?

They now have 15.

us there other grants besides federal grant for dcollege?

is there other grants besides federal grant for college

Who are the 2 federal US senators?

There are 100 U.S. Senators - 2 from each state.

How do presidential candidates qualify for federal election funds?

Presidential candidates qualify for Federal election funds by registering for them. The candidates must raise individual contribution funds of $5000 in 20 of the States to receive matching funds.

What is the total senators in the federal government?

There are 2 senators per state. There are currently 50 states, so there are 100 senators.

What are some of the positions held in the federal government office?

There are wide variety of different positions held in the federal government office. Some of these positions include Attorney General and Secretary of State.

The federal election commission determines which candidates qualify for public funding based on what?

the percentage of votes for the candidates party