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King Charles II

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Q: Who became unpopular by rigorously enforcing the Navigation Act?
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Why were Quakers unpopular in England?

The popular became unpopular in England due to their strict religious beliefs and their refusal to join the Army.

Who became unpopular during the depression?

Writer: John Steinbeck

What two unpopular ideas later became part of the US Constitution?

the idea of freeing slaves and allowing minority groups as well as women the right to vote were unpopular ideas, who later became part of the constitution.

Why did swimming become popular?

When drowning became unpopular. Swimming is a survival instinct, popularity happened as people became less afraid of the water, and there is no set date or time period.

When and where and who inited swimming and why it became popular?

When drowning became unpopular. Swimming is a survival instinct, popularity happened as people became less afraid of the water. There is no set date or time period.

Who is the man that won the presidential election of 1836and became unpopular of the panic of 1837?

Martin van buren

Did George Mason write in the Constitution?

No, he refused it so then he lost his friendship with George Washington and became unpopular

Why was franz Ferdinand unpopular?

he made it clear that once he became Emperor, he would make changes to the rules.

When was swimming popular?

When drowning became unpopular. Swimming is a survival instinct, popularity happened as people became less afraid of the water. There is no set date or time period.

What country became a center for learning sailing and navigation thanks to Henry the Navigator?


How did swimming become popular?

When drowning became unpopular. Swimming is a survival instinct, popularity happened as people became less afraid of the water. There is no set date or time period.

What does fobbed again mean?

Fobbed Again became a popular expression in 1981 when Democrat Governor, Fob James became unpopular for cutting funds from schools & state employees