

Best Answer
  1. US President Barack Obama
  2. 5 of the 9 Justices of the United States Supreme Court
  3. US Vice President Joe Biden
  4. National Organization for the Advancement of Colored People (oldest civil rights organization in the USA)
  5. Rap singer Jay-Z and many others in the entertainment industry
  6. The Democratic Party (US)
  7. Many major American corporations
  8. A large percentage of the general population
  9. Gay and lesbian rights groups
  10. Too many others to list.
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11y ago
  • The Human Rights Commission
  • OUTfront
  • The United States Supreme Court
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The people involved in same-sex marriage are same-sex partners who have married.

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Q: Who are the supporters of same-sex marriage?
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What do supporters of same-sex marriage people think about the traditional family?

Imitation being the sincerest form of flattery, supporters of same-sex marriage generally believe that marriage is such a great institution that everyone should have access to it.

What do supporters of same-sex marriage want from the Ohio legislature and Ohio voters?

They want equality.

Does the Greens Party of Australia support same-sex marriage?

The Greens Party are strong supporters of same-sex marriage. In June 2009, the party introduced into the Senate a Bill to provide for equal marriage.

Does government opposition to same-sex marriage affect teenagers?

If the teens are gay or are supporters of gay rights, then yes.

What values do supporters of legalized same-sex marriage have?

They believe in monogamy, family life, equality, fairness and freedom.

Is Brad Pitt marrying Angelina Jolie?

Maybe. They have both stated that they will: -Once everyone who wants to can (they are supporters of Gay Marriage) -If their kids ask them to

How many supporters has Sunderland got?

sunderland have supporters all over the country and they have also been proven as the loudest supporters in the premier league. they are the best supporters

Who are Flavius and Marullus supporters of?

they are supporters of Julius casear

Did Stalin have supporters?

the Bolsheviks

What does the Democratic Party think about traditional marriage?

Generally, most Democratic party members who are married are in traditional marriages and are supportive of traditional marriage. But Democrats realize that families come in many forms and do not limit the idea of marriage to traditional sexual boundaries. Because certain governmental and societal benefits accrue to the historical "traditional marriage" Democrats are not people who object to other forms of marriage that are sought by large numbers of nontraditional supporters. As a result of this expanded vision Democrats are generally in support of gay marriage rights.

Supporters tended to be in the northeast?

Federalist supporters tended to be in the Northeast.

Who were Bryan main supporters?

i think his main supporters were the women