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There are several Vietnam War era veterans serving in Congress. The include former senator, and Secretary of State, John Kerry, Senator John McCain, Senator Max Cleland, Senator Tom Daschle, Senator Chris Dodd, Senator Jack Reed, Senator John Warner, and Senator Charles Robb.

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Q: Who are the current Vietnam veterans in us senate?
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Related questions

What has the US done to help Vietnam veterans?

US Veterans Affairs.

How many Vietnam memorials are there in US?

See: Vietnam Veterans Memorials

List of vietnam war veterans in US?

A list of deceased Vietnam War veterans in the US can be found on the Vietnam Veteran's memorial. You can also find this type of list by contacting the VA in your area.

Number of surviving Vietnam veterans?

Over 58,000 US servicemen died in Vietnam.

Are there any US Soldiers in Vietnam in 2008?

Vietnam is a communist country. US forces are not allowed there. However, US veterans visit Vietnam as tourists every year.

How has the US helped Vietnam soldiers?

US Vietnam Veterans, as well as all US veterans have access to VA medical facilities, counselling, and receive educational benefits for trade schools and colleges, home loans.

Does the dept of veterans affairs represent US Navy veterans of Vietnam?

The US Department of Veteran's Affairs represents all veterans of all services, war or peace

What wars have current veterans served in?

There are still WWI veterans living in the US.

What is the largest US Veterans organization?

American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA), Korean War Veterans, Disabled American Veterans (DAV)

How many you u s veterans were killed in Vietnam war?

Over 58,000 US Servicemen were killed in the Vietnam War.

Names of usmc casulties in Vietnam?

The names of the 14,838 dead US Marines are listed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall.

How many Vietnam War memorials are there in the US?

In the 21st Century, nearly every US state has one, or one in planning.