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Which of the following was an economic agreement to contain the spread of communism?

AThe Warsaw PactBThe Point Four ProgramCSEATODNATO

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Q: Which was an economic agreement to contain the spread of communism?
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What was an economic agreement to contain the spread of communism?

There were arguably many such agreements, but the most obvious one was immediately after the Second World War, when the U.S. initiated the Marshall Plan to provide support to countries to rebuild but, indirectly, only if they would support the United States and global capitalism.

How was the Truman Doctrine important?

it sought to contain the spread of communism

How did Truman Doctrine and the Marshal Plan address the spread of communism?

The Marshall Plan provided economic support for recovering European nations for several reasons, including to try to contain the spread of communism. The plan was officially called the European Recovery Program.

What was the importance of the Truman doctrine?

nova net answer: it sought to contain the spread of communism

With the Truman doctrine the United states promised apex?

The US promised to stop Communism or "contain it."

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Contain the spread of communism in every region of the world.

Truman said the Truman doctrine and Marshall plan were essential for?

The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan were essential for stopping the spread of communism in Europe at the end of World War II. The Marshall Plan was the initiative to provide economic support to Europe to rebuild and not consider communism.

Why did the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance fail?

Because communism had spread across the European countries at the time.

What was the basic idea of the Truman Doctrine?

The Truman Doctrine was the US policy of trying to contain the spread of communism

How did the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization try to contain the spread of Communism?

SEATO allied the United States and seven other nations against Asian communism.

What policy did the US attempt to prevent the spread of communism?

The US. adopted a policy of containment towards the spread of Communism. Which in summary means that the US. exercised a policy to stop the Communism movement from spreading into new countries and to contain it where it was at the time.

What was the purpose of the Eisenhower's doctrine?

Eisenhower Doctrine, allowed a country to request economic assistance and/or military assistance from the United States if it was being threatened by armed aggression from another state. Its over arching purpose was to contain the spread of communism.