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The British, French and Spanish were the main big empires, the British was the strongest, owning Canada and Atlantic America, French Americas were lost sadly, The Spanish took the Centre and most of Latin America (Mexico and South America). By WWII America became independent, and ruled it self after the war of independence (America V British Empire) with George Washington (a American general) as the 1st president.

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13y ago
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11y ago

I think they came from France and Europe

sorry that I don't spell that good

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11y ago

There were more than two but the two largest were England and France.

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13y ago

i dont know im asking the same question !please help us!

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Q: Which two countries colonized Canada?
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What countries colonized Canada?

Canada was colonized by France and England.

which countries colonized canada?

There were more than two but the two largest were England and France.

What are the two countries that colonized Canada and what language?

the french and british if that was not what you meant contact me asap

What two nations colonized Canada?

Britain and France

What Two European powers that fought over control of the territory that became Canada were the?

The two European countries that fought over the territory that became Canada were France and Britain. France colonized parts of Canada first and then Britain stepped in. This is why there is such an influence from French culture in Canada.

Who are African countries was colonized by France?

Brazil and Canada. There was no fighting in Brazil but in canada there was revolution and sought after power. Hope this helps!

Why is Canada a billingual society?

Because two European nations "colonized" Canada - the English and the French.

What two countries explored and colonized latin American?

Portugal and Spain

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Afganistan and Bhutan

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The African countries colonized by Italy were Libya, Somalia, and Eritrea. Ethiopia was occupied, but not colonized by Italy.

Why do some countries have a large french speaking population?

Countries which were colonized by the French tend to have the largest French speaking areas, i.e. the Eastern side of Canada.

Which two European countries colonized the most territory in Latin America?

Spain and Portugal