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Q: Which totalitarian leader was the most effective?
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What are some of the different leadership styles?

There are several different leadership styles. The most popular is totalitarian, or dictatorship. A totalitarian leader has complete control over all his subjects.

Which weapon of totalitarian government do you think is most effective in maintaining control of a country?

Komers machine gun

What roles does propaganda play in totalitarian regimes?

Answer this question…It convinces citizens that they should support the totalitarian leader.

What would most likely occur in a totalitarian country?

A leader sends secret police to spy on citizens suspected of not supporting him.

What phrase best describes the leader of a totalitarian government?

A dictator.

What scenarios would most likely occur in a totalitarian country?

A leader sends secret police to spy on citizens suspected of not supporting him.

Does a totalitarian government have an absolute leader?

Yes and its called a "Dictator." :D

Who was a totalitarian leader whose political platform was based on anti-Semitism?

There are several, but the most prominent was German Führer Adolf Hitler.