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The term for "goverment by the few" is Oligarchy

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Q: Which term refers to a type of gobernment in which only a small group of people rule?
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What refers to a small group of people typical to that group?

Scientifically, it is called Population.

Which term refers to a type of government in which only a small group of people ruled?


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In a democracy, the people have control of the government; in a Dictatorship, one person has control of the government.A democracy is when the people rule the government and a dictatorship is when one or a small group of people rule the gobernment such as a military leader

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It refers to the situations where people interact in large or small groups. The field of group dynamics deals with small groups that may reach consensus and act in a coordinated way.Behavior of a group as a whole, as well as the behavior of an individual as influenced by his or her membership in a group.

Who holds states power in an oligarchy?

a Small Group of People

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I don't know if there is a word that refers to a small group of people at a church, but I do know that a group of people at a church if you are referring to everyone in the church as a whole would be called a congregation.

What is the name for a government ruled by a small group of people?

A government ruled by a small group of people is an oligarchy.

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Small group people

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Generally it refers to too many people in a small space.

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Small business just means a group below a certain size, with the benefits and drawbacks of operating on the smaller scale. Entrepreneurship refers to the spirit of enterprise, usually in people rather than groups, and it can apply on the big or small scale.