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To my question as to which states allow felonies to vote?---As of 2010 I found:

(1) States where prisoner, probationers, & paroles can vote (2 states: ME, VT)

(2) States where probations & paroles can vote (13 states plus DC: DC, HI, IL, IN, MA, MI, MT, NH, ND, OH, OR, PA, RI, UT)

(3) States where only probationers can vote (5 states: CA, CO, CT, NY, SD)

(4) States where all people with felony convictions can vote upon completion of their sentence (20 states: AK, AR, GA, ID, IA, KS, LA, MD, MN, MD, NE, NJ, NM, NC, OK, SC, TX, WA, WV, WI)

(5) States where only some people with felony convictions can vote (8 states: AL, AZ, DE, FL, MS, NV, TN, WY)

(6) States where all people with felony convictions are permantly not allowed to vote (2 states: KY, VA)

In March 2010 a proposed FEDERAL bill, called the Democracy Resotoration Act (H.R. 3335) sponsored by John Conyers (D-Mich.) and many members of the Congressional Black Caucas would require ALL states to allow felons to vote in federal elections once they're released from prison. The bill notes that "state disenfranchisement laws disproportionately impact racial and ethnic minorities" and that, "given current rates of incarceration, approximately one in three of the next generation of African-American men weill be disenfranchised at some point during their lifetime."

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Q: Which states allow independent voters to vote?
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Yes. When you register to vote you have 3 options. Republican, Democrat, and Independent. Here in CA we also have Green Party. The only thing wrong with going Independent and Green is that you don't vote in a primary. Primary elections are only for the two major parties.

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Closed primaries only allow voters who claim a specific party affiliation before election day to vote for that party's candidates. These voters must be registered with the party in order to participate in the primary election. Independent or unaffiliated voters are generally excluded from participating in closed primaries.

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In a closed primary, only voters registered with a specific political party can participate in that party's primary election. Independent or unaffiliated voters are typically not allowed to vote in closed primaries.

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An independent voter is someone who is not affiliated with any political party and chooses to vote based on the candidate or issue rather than party allegiance. Independent voters make up a significant portion of the electorate and are often seen as crucial swing voters in elections.

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