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one ruled by a dictator who has complete authority

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one ruled by dictator who has complete authority

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Q: Which of these is the best description of a despotic form of government?
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What is a despotic government?

Despotism is a form of government characterized by a single ruling entity with absolute power. The single entity can be an individual, autocracy, or a group, oligarch).

What is despostic?

Despotic refers to a form of government or leadership characterized by absolute authority and control, often oppressive and dictatorial in nature. Despotic leaders usually act without regard for the rights and freedoms of the people they govern.

What are form of government?

Montesquieu followed Aristotle's vision and divided government into three types according to their nature: republican, monarchical and despotic. A republic is a government in which people as a whole or a part of the people have sovereign power, a monarchy is a state in which a single person governs by fixed and established laws; a despotic government is one in which a man rules without law, guided solely by his will.

What is the difference between oligarchy and autocratic form of a government?

An Oligarchy is government by a few or a dominant class. An Autocratic rule is a despotic rule, a person who claims absolute authority, self ruling and alone.

What common beliefs did fascist and Nazis share?

that the best form of government was a military Dictatorship.

How does Lithuania's government function?

A complex question, to complex for this form There is a good description of their government on WIKI pedia

What did Aristotle believe was the best form of government?

Aristotle believed a democracy was the best form of government

What did john Locke believe was the best form of government?

john Locke believed the best form of government was democracy.

Is the Philippines presidential form of governtmen still the best form of governtmen for the country?

is the phillippines unitary government. Still the best form of government for the country, or is it time to Adopt the federal form of government ?

Why is democracy a best form of government?

No, it is the least worst form of government

What form of government is china best known for?

The government that China is best know for is Communist.

Why do some people think capitalism is the best form of government?

Capitalism is not a form of government. Communism is not a form of government. Socialism is not a form of government. All three of those are economic forms, not forms of government.