Under socialism, society controls the means of production.
The Soul of Man under Socialism was created in 1891.
Korea was divided into Soviet and American occupied zones in 1945, following the end of World War II. With the north under soviet socialist influence and the south under capitalist western influence there became a division between the two that has yet to be resolved remaining NK under socialism and SK under capitalism.
Which countries that are under communism , socialism and capitalism
Democratic Socialism ;)
National Socialism
Dorothy J. Solinger has written: 'Chinese business under socialism' -- subject(s): Commercial policy, Socialism 'China's transition from socialism' -- subject(s): Economic policy, Socialism, Central planning
IIST is best compared to IIT as here in IIST , all practical implementation is done under guidance of scientist of ISRO and as far as Brand is concerned , IIST is equivalent to IIT. Go for IIST .
Socialism= big government. With too much government, your rights aren't protected. It's risky to live under socialism because socialist governments believe they're entitled to your work and your property.
The ability of each individual to produce.
burying individual initiative under layers of bureaucracy.
False, communism when actually employed in government is much more controlling than standard socialism. Communism is an extreme version of socialism. Under communism, private ownership, private property & business ownership is forbidden. Fascism is a less extreme version of socialism. Under Fascism, business & property ownership is allowed but controlled & directed by the government.