Actually, history will demonstrate that both parties believe in a certain amount of government regulation; but the Republicans like to insist it's only the Democratic party which believes in it.
They are a party that believes in very limited government powers and involvement.
believes that the government shoulnt have to pay for other people believes that the government shoulnt have to pay for other people
The Libertarian Party was founded in 1971 by David Nolan. The Party believes in economic and political libertarianism which is the least amount of government control or regulation on society or the economy. Nolan was born in Washington, D.C. and grew up in Maryland. There is an article about him and the Libertarian Party at
the party believes what Thomas Jefferson believes. Like he is for small government. So just look it up on the internet and find what Jefferson believes.
The Libertarians believe in less government.
. It brought the democratic party back into national power, it also gave the nation a new view on government regulation of the nations social and economic life.
because they a smart and fat In general both parties believe in anything that will get them into power and/or keep them in power. The party that is in power believes in everything the government is doing. The party that is out of power believes that changes must be made.
That's not a real question the American Nazi Party is a Political party the government has laws not its politican parties!
The Populist party