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Q: Which ism is a system of extreme right-wing dictatorial government?
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What type of government existed in russia after the Russian revolution?

A state capitalist system with a dictatorial government.

What form of government does china country have?

China has a dictatorial government. Its economic system is a mix of state and private capitalism.

What is totalitarunism?

of or relating to a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state. in other words, the government controls everything.

What system has government ownership of the means of production and is usally associated with totalitarian dictatorship?

Dictatorial state capitalism.

Is it true When Socialism is taken to its extreme it's called Authoritarianism?

Yes, when socialism is taken to its extreme, where there is complete government control over the economy and society, it often transitions into authoritarianism. In an authoritarian socialist system, individual freedoms and rights are restricted as the government exerts total control over all aspects of life.

What is totalitarianism's?

1 of the defitions of totalitarian is: of or pertaining to a centralized government that does not tolerate parties of differing opinion and that exercises dictatorial control over many aspects of life. Another defition is relating to a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state. This mean that the government is in complete control of the country.

What type of government did china have 60 years ago?

Sixty years ago (in 1962), China had a state capitalist economic system, with a dictatorial government. It now has a mix of state and private capitalism.

This system of government was characterized by the control of a dictator and extreme nationalism.?


This system of government was characterized by the control of a dictator and extreme nationalism?


The system of government was characterized by the control of a dictator and extreme nationalism.?


What is an economic system in which the government owns most property and businesses and people have little freedom?

Well, the name for this type of system is centrally planned, and one country with this economic system is China.

What economic system says government should control all land and wealth and that government should be in the hands of just one political party?

This is a version of Communism where the Party is the only legal political unit.communism- nova net