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Minority voters, historically, have been the most common target of voter suppression.

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Q: Which group is most likely to be a target of voter suppression?
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What is the most common way that voter suppression occurs today?

on voter rolls (apex)

What is the most common way the voters suppression's occurs today?

on voter rolls (apex)

What is voter suppression-?

Voter suppression is the usually intentional act of trying to keep voters from voting. The goal is to keep people who aren't likely to vote the way the suppressor wants, from either voting or having their votes counted. There are many possible methods, such as trying to confuse some voters into thinking the election is a day or two after the actual date of the election. Another possibility is to have votes disqualified by challenging the qualifications of the voter, even after the fact. The most direct means of voter suppression is voter intimidation, i.e., "show up at the polls and I'm going to shoot you" or having thugs standing around the polling place, ready to beat up anyone they don't want to vote.

What are the release dates for Don't Sleep Hosted by T- J- Holmes - 2012 Voter Suppression 1-15?

Don't Sleep Hosted by T- J- Holmes - 2012 Voter Suppression 1-15 was released on: USA: 24 October 2012

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The Onion News Network - 2007 Hot New App from the GOP Modernizes Minority Voter Suppression was released on: USA: 1 November 2012

What is a likely voter?

A likely voter is a voter who is deemed "likely" to vote by a polling organizaiton. There are several major political polling organizations in the United States, including Gallup, Zogby, and Rassmussen. Each has its own unique way of determining if a particular voter is a "likely" to vote. Generally the voter must have voted in the previous election and express a strong inclination to vote in the upcoming election.

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What group has a higher voter turnout?

depends on which election and which level of government

Which age group has had the worst voter turnout to date?

People in the age group 18 - 29 have the worst voter turn out of any other age group. This age group has fewer voices in the mainstream media to listen to and get information from about issues that relate to them andÊhow their vote matters.

What is the difference of a elector or a voter?

an "electorate" is a group of people that can vote an "elector" is someone who can vote

What group has been the most active in terms of voter education?

Conservative Church Groups

What is a likely reason for small voter turnout?

People are happy with the way things are going.