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China, North Vietnam, Borneo, Syria, to name just a few.

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yes, a couple, like Libya, and Japan

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Q: Which countries are still led by autocratic dictators?
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Who was led by a dictator during the cold war?

Many countries were led by dictators in the Cold War .

What event helped dictators take control in the 1930s?

The GREAT DEPRESSION was an economic disaster in the 1930s which led to many countries' people wanting a strongman who was willing to take drastic measures to "right the ship". In many cases, the people got what they asked for: dictators.

What effect of world war i led to rise of totalitarian regimes?

Many countries needed the military's help to recover after World War I which led to the rise of totalitarian regimes. The Great Depression left countries vulnerable to dictators. Many Europeans lost faith in their democratic governments. The Great Depression led countries to support new leaders, some of whom were totalitarians.

What factors led to the rise of dictators during the 1920s and 1930s?

because many countries such as germany,spain,and italy began to lost faith in democratic

What were some of the problems that led to rise of dictators in Germany Italy and Japan?

poverty and enemployment

What countries are toppled in Arab spring?

Several countries experienced significant protests and political changes during the Arab Spring, including Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, and Syria. These uprisings led to the overthrow of dictators and sparked widespread political reforms and instability in the region.

In a dictatorship rulers get power how?

Not necessarily. Roman "dictators" were elected into office by the Senate, whereas Socialist dictators of the 20th Century Europe usually led revolutions against a sitting monarch.

What was the Eastern bloc made up of?

communist countries led by the Soviet Union

What impact does Islamic fundamentalism have on the middle east?

Islamic Fundamentalism in the Middle East has led to increased instability in numerous countries and the formation of paramilitary groups dedicated to overthrowing the current quasi-secular dictatorships in Middle Eastern countries. However, since the government objectives of the Islamic Fundamentalists are even worse than those currently advocated by Arab secular dictators, there is a serious divide between the Secularists and Minorities who support the Arab dictators and the Salafists and Islamists who support the Salafist and Islamic Fundamentalist leaders.

How did Mexico's history influence reformers as they shaped the office of president in the constitution of 1917?

Their experiences with dictators led reformers to limit the president to a single term.

What were some of the problems that led to the rise of dictators in Germany Italy and Japan?

Italy-Fascism Germany-Nazis Japan-Military rule

How has American culture influenced Kuwait and other Middle Eastern countries?

Superficially only. These countries now have hamburger joints and the people drink Coke. But although they all formally have embraced many Western values such as democracy, freedom of speech, minorities' and womens' rights, an independent judiciary, rule of law etcetera (they had to, in order to be allowed in as UN members), the truth is that few Western values have ever taken much root in the Middle East. Chasing out dictators - as happened in Egypt, Lybia and Iraq - only brought in new dictators or led to tribal infighting and religious conflict. And in many Middle Eastern countries the role of Islam and shari'a has become ever more oppressive.