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ans: --selection of Presidential candidates


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Q: Which aspect of the US political process has been developed through custom and gradual change rather than by constitutional amendment?
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What political development was a result of gradual rather than revolutionary change?

English Democracy

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Democratization is when nations gradually progress into a more definite democratic political regime.

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Concepts of business and development of business cultures?

The business culture has developed considerably, just as the business world has developed. It has been gradual, but appropriate to the global and wide-changing nature of the modern business world.

When did freedom of the press start?

It was a gradual process which took decades if not centuries. The First Amendment to the US Constitution (1789) guaranteed a free press in the US, at least in theory.

What is gradual in comparative and superlative?

more gradual, most gradual

Gradual in a sentence?

The change was gradual. The gradual shift from childhood to adulthood was beginning. My improvement in science was slow and gradual. Bernadette liked the gradual improvement she saw.

Use gradual in a sentence?

Today is gradual.

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