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Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin and several others...

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Q: Which Enlightenment writer influenced the political ideas in America by encouraging a government by the choice of the people?
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Related questions

What greatly influenced Thomas Jefferson political ideas?

the enlightenment

How was john Locke influenced by the enlightenment?

John Locke was heavily influenced by the Enlightenment, particularly by the ideas of reason, individualism, and natural rights. His belief in the social contract, where the authority of the government is derived from the consent of the governed, reflected Enlightenment ideals of democracy and limited government. Locke's works laid the foundation for modern political thought and deeply influenced the American and French Revolutions.

How was Simon bolivar influenced by enlightenment ideas that promoted .?

Political Freedom

How was Simon Bolivar was influenced by Enlightenment ideas that promoted?

Political Freedom

What Enlightenment ideas influenced colonists?

The Enlightenment was a major influence on the political ideas of the colonists who pushed for independence from Great Britain

Which revolutions did the enlightenment inspire?

The Enlightenment inspired several revolutions, including the American Revolution, French Revolution, and Haitian Revolution. These movements were influenced by Enlightenment ideals such as liberty, equality, and individual rights, which challenged existing systems of government and led to significant social and political change.

Which event may have had the largest effect on political thinkers of the Enlightenment?

The Scientific Revolution is often considered one of the events that had the largest effect on political thinkers of the Enlightenment. It gave rise to new ways of thinking about the world based on reason, observation, and the application of scientific methods, which influenced Enlightenment ideas about government, society, and individual rights.

Which development was influenced by the enlightenment?

18th century political revolutions in Europe and the Americas

How Thomas Hobbes contribute to the enlightenment?

Thomas Hobbes, although not a central figure in the Enlightenment, laid the groundwork for later Enlightenment thinkers by his emphasis on the role of reason in understanding and improving society. His idea of a social contract and the role of government as a protector of individual rights influenced later Enlightenment philosophers in their quest for political and social reform.

What changes did the enlightenment change in the political systems?

The Enlightenment era led to significant changes in political systems by promoting ideas such as individual rights, separation of powers, and the need for representative government. These ideas influenced the development of democratic principles and constitutional government, leading to the spread of democratic ideals and the weakening of absolute monarchies. The Enlightenment also emphasized the importance of reason and rationality in governance, challenging traditional authority and promoting the idea of government by consent of the governed.

Some ideas of the Enlightenment can be traced back to ancient Greek and Roman philosophies Which characteristic of ancient Greece or Rome most likely influenced the Philosophes?

the political power that citizens held in their government

Who is the Composer of the age of enlightenment whose political ideas influenced the french revolution?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau