Jack Layton's birth name is John Gilbert Layton.
Jack Layton was born on July 18, 1950.
Jack Layton was born on July 18, 1950.
Jack Layton married his high school sweetheart Sally Halford at age nineteen. The couple had a son named Mike and a daughter named Sarah together. They were divorced after 14 years of marriage in 1983. Jack married Olivia Chow in 1988.
Jack Layton was a Democratic parliament official who died of cancer. The elephant is a symbol for the Democratic party.
Jack Layton passed away on 4:45 AM, August 22, 2011 from an unspecified cancer. He was 61.
Jack Layton was the leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada, he sadly passed away early this month.
Jack Layton passed away on 4:45 AM, August 22, 2011 from an unspecified cancer. He was 61.
Layton High School was created in 1967.
Layton Preparatory School was created in 2005.