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Q: When one representative or political party is selected based on the majority vote of the people it is called proportional representation. True False?
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What are the advantages of proportional representation system?

Proportional representation promotes fair representation by translating votes into seats proportionately. It allows for greater diversity in political parties and viewpoints to be represented in government. It can also minimize wasted votes and reduce the likelihood of a party winning a majority with a minority of the popular vote.

What are the Advantages of proportional representation in an election?

The advantages to proportional representation are that minor parties also get seats in the government. In a proportional elections, the people do not need to feel like voting for a minor party is a waste of a vote. This leads to a multiple parties who need to form coalitions to create a majority vote.

What is a instructed delegate view of representation?

I am not sure of a theory but an instructed delegate is a representative who deliberately mirrors the views of the majority of his or her constituents

What is the difference between a single member district electoral system and a proportional representation electoral system?

In a single member district electoral system, each district elects only one representative, generally based on a plurality or majority vote. In a proportional representation system, seats are allocated to parties based on the proportion of votes they receive, allowing for a more accurate representation of popular vote percentages in the overall composition of the legislative body.

An electoral system based on proportional representation would be less likely to .?

There is a smaller chance that one party will gain an overall majority in office. And/Or "give one party a majority over all other parties" Plato<3

What is the name of the political principle providing that a majority of the members of a community has the power to make laws binding upon all the people?

Representative Democracy.

Who chooses the speaker of the house of representation?

the majority party the majority party

Is there a political party in Canada that is majority?

In terms of number of representation in the Parliament of Canada, the Conservative Party of Canada enjoys a majority in both the appointed Senate (with 60 out of 105 senators), and the elected House of Commons (with 163 out of 308seats).

Third party candidates are better off under what system of election?

The proportional representation system is most beneficial for third party candidates. Examples of other systems include the majority system, and the plurality system.

Who is the representative who manages the majority party's interest in the house?

majority leader

Why does Ireland favor a coalition government?

It is not a case that Ireland favours a coalition government, but that the elections often result in them. There are a number of main political parties in Ireland, not just two as in many countries. The electoral system is a proportional representation system. As this is the case, it is hard for one party to get an overall majority in a general election. The result of that is that there are often coalition governments in Ireland.

What tpes of voting systems are there?

There are three basic "families" of voting systems: plurality/majority, proportional representation, and semiproportional. All the voting systems within a particular family tend to produce the same kind of political results and tend to resemble each other in terms of their general political advantages and disadvantages. The main political differences are therefore between the families, not within them. The links below will take you to descriptions of specific voting systems, including sample ballots. (Because of the ballots and other graphics on these pages, they are somewhat slow to download. Please be patient.)Plurality/majority systems. These are the winner-take-all systems that are usually used in the United States. They include the common plurality systems like the single-member district plurality vote and at large voting, and less common majority systems like the two-round runoff and the instant run-off.Proportional representation systems. These voting systems are used by most other advanced Western democracies and are designed to ensure that parties are represented proportionally in the legislature. They include party list systems, mixed-member proportional, and the single transferable vote.Semiproportional systems. Though relative rare worldwide, these systems have garnered some interest in the United State. They tend to produce more proportional results than plurality/majority systems, but less proportional results than fully proportional systems. They include cumulative voting and limited voting.