General elections are generally held on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November. So, the Tuesday between November 2 and November 8th. Special elections and primary elections can be held at any time, but are typically on Tuesdays.
5 years
every 2 years
The Indian National Congress emerged as the largest party in the elections of the central legislative assembly held as per the 1919 act. However, it is important to note that this was a significant increase in their representation compared to previous elections.
No they do not have to be in november...traditionally that is what it has become
Elections for Congressional officers are held on the first Tuesday of November.
elections are held and rigged
Yes, some states do require that local elections must be held in the in-between years when no national elections take place. This is done to separate local elections from the more prominent and highly contested national elections, allowing local issues to receive more attention and ensuring that local officials are elected with a focus on local concerns. However, this requirement varies from state to state, and not all states have such a provision.
The Elections will be held in November.
National elections for president and Congress in the US are held in November. Primaries are held earlier. May is a popular month for state and local elections but the dates vary .
Representatives, in the House of Representatives, are elected to a two year term, so elections are held every two years. Senators are elected to a six year term.