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People are still required to be over 18 in order to vote in Canada.

Some major landmarks towards universal voting include:

1993 May 27: Prisoners in jails are now allowed to vote.

1960 August 19: The Canadian Bill of Rights passes, implicitly giving Aborigines the right to vote.

1949: Japanese people are given the right to vote in BC again.

1948: The Dominion Elections Act is repealed; people were not allowed to be excluded from voting federally by race.

1940: Women in Quebec are finally allowed to vote with the passage of the Act Granting to Women the Right to Vote and to be Eligible as Candidates, S.Q. 1940,c.7

May 24, 1918: Women are allowed to vote federally with the passing of The Act to confer the Electoral Franchise upon Women.

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The right for everyone to vote has never been made law. Anywhere.

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