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She first left Scotland in 1548 at the age of 5 spending 13 years in France to be raised by Henry II before she was due to be married to his son theDauphin Francois. She married the Dauphin in 1558 and after Henry II's death a year later Francois succeeded his father and she became Queen Consort of France. She returned to Scotland in 1561 after the death of her husband. After a second marriage to Lord Darnley his subsequent murder and a third to the Earl of Bothwell she was forced to abdicate in favour of her son. She left Scotland again in 1568 after the defeat of her army at the Battle of Langside by her sons Regent the Earl of Moray never to return. She fled to England landing at Workington and was immediately arrested and imprisoned in Carlisle Castle. A threat to the throne of England on which she had a claim, her part in Darnley's murder which was not proven (a peculiarly Scottish verdict in an English Conference!) and the Scottish Lords objection to her restoration meant she continued to be detained for many years, she was eventually tried and executed for treason in 1587.

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