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If you had told us which William you had in mind, we could have answered this question.

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Q: What year did William reign?
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When did William I reign?


How many years before the reign of King John did William I reign?

133 years.

How long did William Duke of Normandy reign in England?

I think William reigned for 21 years :):):):)

When did William the 1st reign till?

William the Conqueror (William I) reigned until his death in 1087, leaving the throne to his inept son, William "Rufus."

Who were the most powerful people in William the 1 reign?

After King William I (William the Conquer), the Norman Barons would have been the most powerful.

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He was hung, drawn and quartered in the same manner as William Wallace of "Braveheart " fame. Tyler was the leader of the "Peasant Rebellion" that occurred during the reign of Richard the Second of England in about the year 1381

Who reign before william IV?

King George IV was on the throne before King William IV.

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1 year passed

King and queen of England who began the reign by the house of orange?

William and Mary

Was William the Conquerors reign peaceful?

No, he fought at least 65 wars in his life.

Which poet born during queen elizabeth 2 reign?

William Shakespeare

Cabinet evolved in who's reign?

During the reign of William and Mary, cabinet started. The job of a "prime minister" started when George I came along.