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Whitman would likely be in favor of freedom of speech.

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Q: What would Whitman's opinion of freedom of speech most likely be?
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What would whitmans opinion of freedom of speech most likely be?

Whitman would likely be in favor of freedom of speech.

What would Whitman's opinion freedom of speech most likely be?

Whitman would likely be in favor of freedom of speech.

What is one act allowed by freedom Speech?

freedom to express opinion

How is freedom of speech different from freedom of press?

People can say what they want (mostly) and this is freedom of speech. Freedom of the press is when newspapers can print their opinion whether it is critical of the government or not.

How is freedom of speech different from the freedom of the press?

People can say what they want (mostly) and this is freedom of speech. Freedom of the press is when newspapers can print their opinion whether it is critical of the government or not.

What freedom allows someone to voice his or her opinion concerning a social issue?

freedom of speech.

Which freedom allows soemone to voice his or her opinion concerning a social issue?

Freedom of speech allows someone to voice their opinion concerning a social issue without fear of censorship or retaliation from the government.

Is freedom of speech absolute?

No. You have the freedom do express an opinion, but you must express it as such. For example, "The teletubbies stink" is an insult. You may not just insult anyone. "In my opinion, the teletubbies stink." However, is an opinion.

What provision of the first amendment guarantees your right to express your opinion?

Freedom of speech

Freedom of speech should be preserved at all times?

Hate speech and speech likely to incite violence are not protected .

What part of the constitution gives you the freedom to voice your opinion what is it called?

This Right is found in the First amendment and is generally called the right to freedom of expression or the right to free speech though in reality it covers freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, and the right to petition the government.

What are 4 fundamental freedom that Canadian enjoy?

- Freedom of conscience and religion;- Freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of speech and press;- Freedom of peaceful assembly;- Freedom of association.