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kick rocks cuz u not gne find it on this dum website nephew

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Q: What were the positives effects of colonization by europeans in different parts of the world?
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What were the effects of colonization on Europeans?

There were more people.

What effects did colonization have on the natives of Somalia?

The effects of colonization are that they inherited the french language, people fought and they did not lose most of their cultural value and their religion.

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What was the main impact on European colonization on the rest of the rest of the world?

To see the different effects of colonisation compare the condition of the different countries with who colonised them.

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What are the positives of sunbathing?

The positve effects of sun bathing are you catch a tan

What happened to most ancient cultures of Mexico during colonization?

The effects of colonization of Central and South America by Europeans had, in the end, mostly damaging effects on the cultures of those areas. Though there are historical accounts of fellowship and trade between the native cultures of Mexico and the European colonists, in the end most of their relationships soured and ended in tragedy. For example, there have been many historical accounts of Europeans spreading diseases to native cultures that wiped out great numbers of them. In addition to this, a great number of Mexican natives were wiped out by the Europeans when their relationships broke down into outright warfare. A native culture which had weaponry such as spears, axes and clubs usually suffered huge losses when faced with a European force equipped with horses, armor and firearms. In the end, much of the thriving culture present when the Europeans landed was erased or hugely damaged by colonization.

What are positive effects of the colonization of Belize?

Our Diversity in culture

What impact did the Europeans have on the African continent?

The impact of Europeans on Africa included colonization, exploitation of resources, introduction of new diseases, imposition of artificial borders, cultural assimilation, and disruption of traditional societal structures. These actions have had lasting effects on the continent, including political instability, economic inequality, and social divisions.

What were the main negative effects of the European colonizer's economic policies?

The main negative effects of economic polices of European colonization was it gave the Europeans more power, and the average native none. A colonized country would have its resources exploited for the benefit of the mother country at the expense of the local populace.

What were the main negative effects of the economic policies of European colonizers?

The main negative effects of economic polices of European colonization was it gave the Europeans more power, and the average native none. A colonized country would have its resources exploited for the benefit of the mother country at the expense of the local populace.

How do the long-term effects for the pilgrims compare to those for Squanto's people?

The long-term effects for the Pilgrims were positive as they established successful settlements in the New World. In contrast, Squanto's people, the Native Americans, faced negative long-term effects such as disease, displacement, and loss of their traditional lands and way of life due to colonization and conflict with the Europeans.