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It reduced the powers of the spoils system.

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Q: What were the positive and negative effects of the pendleton civil service act?
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Positive and the negative effects of the Pendleton act?

The Pendleton Act of 1883 established a merit-based civil service system in the United States, which aimed to reduce political patronage in government appointments. This led to a more professional and efficient public service. However, the act also limited the ability of elected officials to reward their supporters with government jobs, potentially weakening party loyalty and cooperation.

What could be a positive outcome of the assassination of James Garfield?

Civil Service reform; in 1883, the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act was passed, as a tribute to Garfield, who had been a proponent of eliminating the patronage system and hiring people based on merit.

What did the pendleton establish?

Pendleton Act is a law of government of USA which was established in 1883. It is also known as Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act . It established that government jobs should be given through competitive exams to those who are selected on merit and not through association with politicians and influential people.The Pendleton Act of 1883 established that jobs in government could be rewarded on merit.

Ending this was pendleton civil service act goal?


Who sponsored the Pendleton Civil Service Act?

Chester A. Arthur

What was The Pendleton Act of 1883 created for?

Civil Service Commission.

The Pendleton Reform Act attempted to reform?

civil service

How can personal attitueds affect service delivery?

When someone has a great attitude to effects the people that they come in to contact with, in a service delivery it may even result in a financial tip. When someone has a negative attitude it also effects people and may result in a negative complaint from the customer.

When did the Pendleton Act create a fedral civil service commission?

in 1833

The Pendleton Civil Service Act attempted to reform the?

spoil system ;)

What the purpose of the Pendleton Act?

The Pendleton Act provided for civil service reform by transferring a number of federal jobs from a patronage basis to a merit basis.

What was the purpose of pendleton act?

The Pendleton Act provided for civil service reform by transferring a number of federal jobs from a patronage basis to a merit basis.