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The goals of enlightened despots was to bring political and social change.

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Q: What were the goals of englighgened despots?
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What were the goals of enlightened despots?

They claimed that they wanted to carry out enlightenment ideals through political and social reform

What types of reforms did enlightened despots make?

Despots are not enlightened or they wouldn't be despots. A despot is someone who wants to enslave people.

What did the enlightened despots try to do?

Enlightened Despots used their power to bring about social and political changes

How are enlightened despots different from absolute monarchs?

Enlightened Despots were a subset of absolute monarchs that made legal, social, and educational reforms in accordance with Enlightenment principles. All Enlightened Despots were absolute monarchs, but there were a number of European absolute monarchs that were not Enlightened Despots.

How did enlightenment despots contribute to the enlightenment?

The Enlightened Despots used their power to bring about some political changes as well as social.

Who were the enlightened despots?

The major enlightened despots were Frederick the Great of Prussia, Catherine the Great of Russia and Joseph II of Austria.

Did Enlightenment Despots share the power with their subjects?


What sort of reforms did the enlightened despots of Spain make and for what purpose?

Spain did not have any enlightened despots. By the mid-1600s, Spain was an empire in decadence and lacked the kind of inspirational leaders found in Prussia, Russia, Austria, and France, some of whom could be called Enlightened Despots.

Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin were enlightened despots?

no they were not

Who where three enlightened despots?

russia,prussia,and austria

What group of leaders attempted to reform their political legal and economic systems?

Enlightened despots attempted to bring about reforms to their social and government systems during their rules.

Why are there such things as queens and kings?

You could say, why are there despots, and presidents ?