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They called that period the Red Scare. There was a second red scare in the 1950s.

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Q: What was the label for the postwar period when many Americans feared a bolshevik revolution?
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What led Americans to suspect that Communists were the source of labor unrest in the 1920s?

A nationwide fear of communists, socialists, anarchists, and other dissidents suddenly grabbed the American psyche in 1919 following a series of anarchist bombings. Many Americans feared that a Bolshevik-style revolution was at hand.

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They feared monarchy.

Why did the Americans fear the result of the Russian revolution?

They feared the spread of Communism

Why were the allies worried about the Bolsheviks revolution?

Because it would weaken the war effort against Germany They feared Russia would pull out of the war. The Allies were worried about the Bolshevik Revolution for several reasons. First, the Allies feared it would take Russia out of World War 1 and allow Germany to move all the military forces it was using to fight Russia to fight France and England instead. This would make Germany harder to defeat in the war. Second, they feared that the revolution might spread to their own countries as well. Even Germany feared that the Bolshevik Revolution could spread to its own people. The Bolsheviks were determined to spread the communist revolution to all countries and did their best to do so even to the United States.

Why were the allies so that Bolshevik would win the Russian revolution?

They feared Russia would pull out of the war Because it would weaken the war effort against Germany

What did Americans fear after the revolution?

They feared there government was too weak and it would destroy the country.

Why did the European feared the French revolution?

Because European rulers,however,feared the French Revolution. By Peng

How did nativism and the Red Scare play into a Congressional limitations on immigration in the 1920s?

Nativism and the Red Scare played into Congressional limitations on immigration in the 1920s. This is because people feared that a Bolshevik revolution (which has just happened in Russia) would come to the United States.

What was Americas Obsession in the red scare?

Shortly after the end of World War I and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the Red Scare took hold in the United States. A nationwide fear of communists, socialists, anarchists, and other dissidents suddenly grabbed the American psyche in 1919 following a series of anarchist bombings. The nation was gripped in fear. Innocent people were jailed for expressing their views, civil liberties were ignored, and many Americans feared that a Bolshevik-style revolution was at hand. Then, in the early 1920s, the fear seemed to dissipate just as quickly as it had begun, and the Red Scare was over. In short, the American people were obsessed with finding and stopping terrorism, communism and anarchy.

What was the red scare in America?

Shortly after the end of World War I and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the Red Scare took hold in the United States. A nationwide fear of communists, socialists, anarchists, and other dissidents suddenly grabbed the American psyche in 1919 following a series of anarchist bombings. The nation was gripped in fear. Innocent people were jailed for expressing their views, civil liberties were ignored, and many Americans feared that a Bolshevik-style revolution was at hand. Then, in the early 1920s, the fear seemed to dissipate just as quickly as it had begun, and the Red Scare was over. In short, the American people were obsessed with finding and stopping terrorism, communism and anarchy.

Did France support the Bolshevik revolution?

France did not support the Bolshevik revolution for at least two reasons. France knew the Bolsheviks would take Russia out of World War 1 and that would allow Germany to send more of its military forces to fight the French and English. France also knew that the Bolsheviks aim was to foster revolutions in all other countries as well as in Russia. If the Bolsheviks came into power, they would be able to finance and support revolutionary socialist groups in France. Every government in Europe and in the United States feared a Bolshevik take over in Russia, because it would be an eventual threat to revolution in their own governments. Even Germany, which wanted Lenin to overthrow the Russian government, was afraid of the socialist revolution spreading to it as well.

Who feared a revolution would cost them their property?

This question needs to be narrowed down to which revolution .