the threat communism spreading to turkey and Greece ----> NOVA NET ANSWER
the threat communism spreading to Turkey and Greece -you're welcome
in 1947 in Greece and turkey communism was a threat so president Truman established the Truman doctrine which provided economic and military aid to countries thretened by communism
Turkey and Greece
Greece and Turkey
The threat of communism spreading to Turkey and Greece
Greece and turkey
the threat communism spreading to turkey and Greece ----> NOVA NET ANSWER
the threat communism spreading to turkey and Greece ----> NOVA NET ANSWER
Yes the Truman Doctrine was a success. It prevent the spread of Communism into Turkey and Greece by providing $400 million in and and by sending troups to fight back. Yes the Truman Doctrine was a success. It prevent the spread of Communism into Turkey and Greece by providing $400 million in and and by sending troups to fight back.
Resist the Spread of Communism in the region.
The Truman Doctrine was an act of containment. Basically, military equipment and supplies were rushed to Greece and Turkey to help resist the spread of communism. Greece, at the time, was experiencing a Civil War and was in danger of falling to communism. The Truman Doctrine did help contain communist growth, but specifically in Greece and Turkey.