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Q: What was a economic motivation of Europeans imperialism during the industrial revolution?
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What does the Industrial Revolution have to do with the European imperialism?

The industrial revolution gave the Europeans the technology and the wealth to be in a position to overpower less technologically advanced society's.

How the Industrial Revolution motivate Europeans to claim colonies around the world?

The Industrial Revolution led to a significant increase in European demand for raw materials and new markets for manufactured goods. Europeans sought to secure colonies around the world to gain access to these resources and markets, as well as to establish strategic military bases. Additionally, the Industrial Revolution created a sense of national competition and imperialism, where European powers competed for colonies to enhance their own prestige and influence globally.

Which of these was a key motivation behind European imperialism in the 18th and 19th centuries?

Answer this question… Europeans sought new markets for their surplus goods.

What happened to Americas role in the world during your age of imperialism?

European nations were the most active in adding colonies, especially in Africa and Asia. Europeans wanted to have control over the natural resources and trade routes. America was still involved with the Industrial Revolution and Manifest Destiny and isolated itself from the practice of Imperialism.

How did Industrial Revolution cause imperialism?

The Industrial Revolution provided both the mechanical engine of progress and the emotional engine of progress. These two things, the capacity to expand and the will to expand, fed directly into imperialism. On a more direct, grounded level, the Industrial Revolution gave Europeans the ability to mass produce weapons and technologies. This gave rise to a need to export these manufactures and under the Mercantile Economic System (which was in its final days) export regions were taken as colonies to be administrated by the producing power. The weapons that were mass produced made fighting wars much easier. The technologies and products that came out of the factories raised the standard of living of Europeans which lead to an increased value in how they saw their civilization. Europeans believed that their culture was behind their consistent technological progress and moved to annex regions to "improve" their culture. This mentality was encapsulated by the "White Man's Burden" by Rudyard Kipling. The Expansion of Empire itself was also symbolic of European dominance and cultural superiority as they reasoned that only powerful empires can expand over new territories.

Which factor most contributed to African countries' failure to resist European imperialism during the Scramble for Africa?

African countries had been economically devastated by the Atlantic slave trade.

How did the industrial revolution motivate Europeans to claim colonies around the world?

How did the Industrial Revolution motivate Europeans to claim colonies around the world? A. Europeans hoped to recruit scientists from around the world to help develop new technology. B. Europeans wanted to spread industrial technology to poor countries around the world. C. Europeans hoped to find Natural Resources to produce goods in factories. D. Europeans needed places to use the new technologies they had developed.

What does Rudyard Kipling's The White Man's Burden suggest about how Europeans viewed imperialism?

Some Europeans saw imperialism as a selfless activity that would help foreign peoples.

What motivated the nations of Europe to engage in imperialism activities?

Europeans believed they were morally superior to the peoples of Africa and Asia.

How did Europeans' view towards religion change during the Industrial Revolution?

Answer It is probably the cause of more materialism in society. Before this, more men were involved in church and its activities. After the advent of the Industrial Revolution, work became more important than God to especially men.

Define imperialism as it existed in the 1800s and then explain why Europeans believed it was important?

Imperialism is when a nation colonizes another nation or territory. The Europeans believed that imperialism was important because they said that it was their responsibility to civilize those who they believed were inferior to them and because they wanted the other nations' resources.

Those Europeans who spoke of imperialism as the white man's burden claimed that Europeans?

Had a responsibility to spread the benfits of Western civilization