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Q: What was Andrew Johnson political status?
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What party was Andrew Johnson affiliated with?

Andrew Johnson was a part of the Democratic Political party. He was in office as president from April 15, 1865, until March 4, 1869.

What political office did Andrew Johnson have after his presidency?


What political fought to restrict African Americans rights during reconstruction?

Andrew Johnson (Apex)

What was president Andrew Johnson's political party?

Democrat, I think

What political figure fought to restrict African Americans right during Reconstruction?

Andrew Johnson - APEX

Which political figure fought to restrict African American during reconstruction?

Andrew Johnson

What president vetoed the Reconstruction acts and the fourteenth amendment?

Andrew Johnson

What political figure to restrict African Americans right during Reconstruction?

Andrew Johnson - APEX

Was Andrew Johnson a democrate?

Andrew Johnson was a republican.

What political figure fought restrict African American rights during reconstruction?

Andrew Johnson - APEX

What political figure fought to restrict African-American rights during reconstruction?

Andrew Johnson - APEX

Is Andrew Johnson Still Alive?

the president Andrew Johnson is dead, but not sure about other Andrew Johnson's out there.