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Corrupt to its very roots, under continued investigation by the FBI, IRS and Grand Juries it is a shell still waiting the final collapse. Those that survive will be the ones that turned States Evidence and collaborated with prosecutors. Many good public servants have been tainted with the brush of corruption and few will survive indictment. All were corrupted by big money interests.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Alaska operates under a constitution drawn up and ratified in 1956.
It is modeled on the US with a bicameral Legislature, an independent Judiciary and a strong Executive branch.

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Q: What type of government does Alaska have?
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What is Alaska's government?

Alaska is a US state so its government is the same as the US government

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I may not understand your question, but Alaska is one of the 50 United States

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Alaska is a bicameral institution, consisting of the lower Alaska house of representative's, with forty members, and the upper house of Alaska senate, with twenty members

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For 2012, it is Sean Parnell

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You can go to and type in Alaska in the search box