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Q: What proposal aimed ot ban sex discrimination but did not become a law?
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Where did president Truman ban discrimination?

the military

Which did the Wilmer proviso provide for?

The Wilmot Proviso aimed to ban slavery in territories acquired after the Mexican-American War, specifically in the lands taken from Mexico. It was a controversial proposal that heightened tensions between the North and South over the issue of slavery expansion.

When did the congress ban discrimination in housing?

It was banned in the Civil Rights act of 1964.

What did the equal rights amendment ban discrimination based on?

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) sought to ban discrimination based on sex or gender. Its goal was to ensure that women are afforded the same legal rights and protections as men.

What did the Wilmer proviso do?

The Wilmot Proviso was a proposal introduced in 1846 that aimed to ban slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico during the Mexican-American War. It was not passed by Congress but sparked intense debate between Northern and Southern states over the issue of slavery expansion.

Where did president truman ban racial discrimination?

President Harry Truman banned racial discrimination in the military. The military was desegregated in 1948 with Executive Order 9981.

What was a Ban on sex descrimination but not law called?

Sexual discrimination is part of the civil rights act from 1965.

How do you ban people on tinychat?

First, you have to become a mod on tinychat... by the owner. Then if you want to ban them click there name, & hit ban.

Is salvia divinorum legal in Nebraska?

There says that in Nebraska they tried to ban salvia, but the proposal is "indefinitely postponed" so hurry up!

The first legislation to ban discrimination in most types of housing not just public accommodations was the?

fair housing act of 1968

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you cant

When did the United States ban discrimination against African Americans?

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 officially banned discrimination on the basis of color, among other things, but that did not stop discrimination. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 ensured voting rights and the Fair Housing Act of 1968 banned discrimination in housing.