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Q: What powers and resources are available to the government that they use to favor supporters?
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between supporters of a strong presidency and supporters of a weak presidency

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European powers used human resources from their colonies for economic gain by making them do hard work for barely no way. They did all kinds of hard labor for the government with nothing in return.

Why were the allied powers viewed as supporters to democracy?

because no one can he spoke the other

What is the difference between exclusive concurrent and reserved powers?

* Expressed (Enumerated) Powers are powers specifically granted to the national government. * Reserved Powers are powers that the Constitution does not give to the national government and are kept by the States (As in state government). * Concurrent Powers are powers that both levels of government can exercise, such as murder. Expressed (Enumerated) Powers are powers specifically granted to the national government. Reserved Powers are powers that the Constitution does not give to the national government and are kept by the States (As in state government). Concurrent Powers are powers that both levels of government can exercise, such as murder. -Watson Fitts (16)

What powers did the government have when Texas became a republic?

the powers that the government had were corageos

10-What are exclusive powers of the states exclusive powers of the national government enumerated powers and what are concurrent powers?

Exclusive powers are those powers that can be exercised by the National Government alone. Concurrent powers are those powers that both the National Government and state governments can exercise.

What are powers that both the national government and the states have?

Concurrent powers are powers that can be exercised by both the federal government and the states. Exclusive powers are powers that can only be exercised by the national government.

Powers shared by the state and federal government Are called what powers?

Powers shared between states and the federal government are Concurrent powers.

What is the difference between exclusive jurisdiction an concurrent jurisdiction?

* Expressed (Enumerated) Powers are powers specifically granted to the national government. * Reserved Powers are powers that the Constitution does not give to the national government and are kept by the States (As in state government). * Concurrent Powers are powers that both levels of government can exercise, such as murder. Expressed (Enumerated) Powers are powers specifically granted to the national government. Reserved Powers are powers that the Constitution does not give to the national government and are kept by the States (As in state government). Concurrent Powers are powers that both levels of government can exercise, such as murder. -Watson Fitts (16)