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Q: What political philosophy do you need to get reelected for president?
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What was Machiavelli's view of Plato's Philosophy?

Machiavelli viewed Plato's philosophy as idealistic and impractical for political governance. He believed that Plato's emphasis on moral virtue and ideal forms was not realistic when dealing with the complexities of real-world politics. Machiavelli instead focused on the pragmatic application of power and necessity in his political works.

What political trend was addressed in the war Powers resolution in the 22nd amendment?

The growth in the need for the president in crisis.

How long does it take to become a bank president?

It can take many years. Not only do you need to be smart, you need to be able to manage all the political aspects of the job.

Which philosophy taught that people need a strong ruler the maintain order?

The political philosophy of absolutism teaches that people need a strong ruler to maintain order. This philosophy believes in centralized authority and the concentration of power in the hands of a single leader to ensure stability and prevent chaos. Leaders in an absolutist system are often considered to have divine right or absolute power.

Do you need a license to do philosophy?

This is like asking if you need a license to have your own beliefs. Philosophy comes naturally to any human being, and to discuss philosophy is any man's right. You could easily walk down to the street corner and begin to lecture about philosophy just as Socrates did. However, to professionally teach philosophy (at a school or university) you do need some sort of degree as well as a teaching license depending on what level you need to teach at.

What has the author Luciano Floridi written?

Luciano Floridi has written: 'Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy' 'The need for gnoseology' 'The philosophy of information' -- subject(s): Philosophy, Information science 'Philosophy and Computing' -- subject(s): Philosophy, Computer science

What does NOT have to happen before a bill can be sent to the President?

The bill does not have to be approved by all members of Congress before it can be sent to the President. It also does not need the support or endorsement of any specific political party. Additionally, the bill does not need to go through any particular number of readings or debates in Congress before it can be sent to the President.

Is Barack Obama a Marxist?

No, he is a Capitalist Democrat. People need to quit lying about the President's political positions. For more information to debunk smears like this on the President, visit the website via the link in the related links section below and also see the related question below for more detail about his political position.

What president was obsessed with news?

Probably all of them..... Most of them went to school 4 political science....THE STUDY OF POLITICS!!!!!! they need to know wat going on in the world too.

Why Hobbes is important for us?

Thomas Hobbes is important because his political philosophy laid the foundation for modern political thought. His work, particularly "Leviathan," explored the role of government in maintaining order and preventing chaos in society. Hobbes's ideas on the social contract, the nature of man, and the need for a strong central authority continue to have a significant impact on political theory and practice today.

What is the significance of communication?

Communication is really important in all areas of your life. You need communication skills for work relationships and personal relationships.