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Q: What place is it called where you held the parliament?
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Why was the parliament of 1377 called the Hilary parliament?

"Hilary" was a time of year. There were Hilary parliaments in various years. The 1377 Hilary parliament was held in February. There was another 1377 parliament held in October.

What the lower house of french parliament is called?

The lower house of the French Parliament is called the National Assembly. Their sessions are held at the Palais Bourbon.

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The mummification process was held intemporary tent called "per nefers"

Why isn't the Federal Parliament held in Sydney?

Federal Parliament is not held in Sydney because it is not the capital city of Australia, despite being the largest in population. The capital city of Australia is Canberra, which is where Federal Parliament is held.

What date did Australia set up its own parliament?

Australia federated in 1901, elections were held for the first parliament soon after and the opening of the first federal parliament took place on May 9 1901 in the Royal Exhibition Building in melbourne.

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The state opening of parliament by the monarch is held in November.

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How do you call a place from which a country is governed?

it is called the legislature, of Parliament which is situated in the capital city of the country.

What is the age of Indian Parliament house?

The question is a bit ambiguous. I shall try to answer both that I understand. The building was completed in 1927 and initially held meetings under British rule. After 1947, when India gained independence, it held meetings of the Constituent assembly. In 1952, India beca,me a republic and since then Indian Parliament has held its meeting in the Parliament House or as it is called Sansad Bhawan now.

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The place where two bones connect is called a joint; the bones are held in place by ligaments.

What is the main legislative body called of japan?

The main legislative body of Japan is called is the National Diet. It is a bicameral parliament. Japan's head political power is held by the Prime Minister.

What is mock Parliament?

mocking a parliament is called mock parliament