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The Religous leaders or the Ayatollahs.

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Q: What kind of leaders have authority over their people ina theocracy?
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Theocracy, they were a government that the religious leaders claimed divine guidance and other sects were denied religious freedom

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An electoral district map would indicate where people can vote for their leaders. It shows the boundaries that determine which voters are eligible to participate in a particular election. Areas outside these boundaries would be where people cannot vote for their leaders.

What kind of disturbution map will indicate where people can and cannnot vote for their leaders?

A Political system distribution map

What is a theocratic society?

The word "theocratic" comes from the Greek words for "god" and "government. It means "government by priests" or whatever kind of religious leaders the particular state has. A "theocratic republic" would be a state whose governors are elected from a group of priests. Vatican City is a "theocratic republic". The government of Iran, although described as a republic, is really more like a theocratic constitutional monarchy, as the Supreme Leader (Ayatollah) is not an elected position (but is one which is always filled by a top cleric.)

What kind of distribution map will indicate where people can and cannot vote for their leaders?

Political system distribution

What kind of government is good and why?

A democratic govt is good because it is formed by the leaders chosen by people and r answerable to it.