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Liberals, democrats, commies....

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Greg Firmin

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3y ago
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stubbornly obstinate despite being wrong

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Q: What is the word for someone who refuses to accept the truth?
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What is the origin of I'll take your word for it?

It is like i will take whatever you said as if they are the fact without checking for the truth. And generally it means to accept and believe what someone says

What is the word for someone who refuses to believe you?

Sceptic, sceptical, incredulous and suspicious

What is a four letter word someone who doesn't tell the truth?


What is the definition of the word convience?

There is no such word as 'convience'. The definition of the word 'convince' is to either make someone believe that a lie you are telling them is the truth or persuade someone to do something.

What does the English word 'liar' mean?

The word 'liar' is a noun, a word for someone who does not tell the truth; a teller of embellishments, fabrications, and lies; a word for a person.

Is believe an adjective?

Believe: verb accept (something) as true; feel sure of the truth

What is the definition of the word accepts?

One will find that the definition of the word 'accept' means to take someone's word for something, to consent to receive, or one can agree to undertake.

What is luhya word for accept?

The Luhya word for the English word 'accept' is 'wiyamee'.

What is the past tense of the word accept?

The past tense of the word "accept" is "accepted."

What is the luhya word for truth?

The Luhya word for the English word 'truth' is "Obulamba".

How can Jehovah's Witnesses allow and accept Unscriptural Divorce while condemning it Is this not Hypocrisy?

I think that's 2 questions not one question. (You forgot the 'period' after the word 'it'.)Truth be told - - We (Jehovah's Witnesses) do NOT allow nor accept 'unscriptural divorce'. We only allow and accept 'scriptural divorce'.

Where can you see the word accept in the Bible?

Search for the word "accept" at www.biblegateway.comHere you will then find every page of the bible containing the word "accept".