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Q: What is the salary for the Governor of Ohio?
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What is the governor of Ohio's salary?

The governor of Ohio makes around 140,000 dollars a year. This does not include things like an expense account and other perks of being in office.

What is the annual salary for the Governor of Ohio?

The current governor of Ohio makes 148,155 thousand dollars per year. He voted himself a raise of more than 10,000 than the previous governor made.

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Governor's annual salary is $150,000 and the annual salary of the Lieutenant Governor is $125,000.

Who was the first governor of Ohio?

Edward Tiffin was the first governor of Ohio.

What is the minimum age for Ohio's governor?

You must be 18 to become Ohio's governor.

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he was the governor of Ohio

How do you spell the Governor's name in Cincinnati?

The current Governor of Ohio is Mike DeWine. The name of the Governor of Ohio does not change based on the city.

How is the lieutenant governor of Ohio chosen?

The current Lieutenant Governor of Ohio is Mary Taylor. Taylor assumed office as Lieutenant Governor of Ohio on January 10, 2011.

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The lieutenant governor of Texas receives a salary of $7,200.

How much money does the governor of Ohio make?

The governor of Ohio made about $144,850 as of 2007.

Who was Ohio's first female governor?

Nancy Hollister the 66th Governor of Ohio became the Governor when George Voinovich resigned to take a seat in the US Senate. No woman has ever been elected to the office if Governor of Ohio.

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