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Obedience to authority is the primary goal of all public administrators. We stand in long lines at the DMV, as part of a strategy towards controlling the subjects. While we stand in line we read Orwellian Propaganda such as "Driving is a privilege, not a right!" And all the while, no matter how wrong that idea might sound to some of us, we stand patiently in line waiting for our opportunity to grant jurisdiction to an administrative agency who has no legal authority over us until we willingly and willfully sign on the dotted line allowing this bureaucracy to herd us around like cattle. Psychology was a tremendous influence in creating this absurdity. We file tax returns to the IRS admitting to liability to revenue laws we've never even read because of conformity, another psychological experiment leading to better government control. We also file those returns out of fear, a huge psychological factor in controlling the people. We suffer all sorts of indignities at the hands of our public administrators because as we are suffering them we are also suffering from cognitive dissonance as we come to realize that all this stuff about life, liberty and pursuit of happiness has nothing to do with the state of government today and we stand or sit in utter disbelief of the smug attitudes of "public servants" who assert that we are their to serve them.

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10y ago

Sociology is the study of group life which includes important topics such as gender, crime, family patterns, race and ethnicity. Public administration is a consequence of social life and examines how to manage and implement changes needed in these areas.

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12y ago

Administration is the art and science of doing this in a systematic way with the use of human and material resourse in order to achieve organizational goal while public administration is the machinery through which the government reach out to the masses with the aim of creating a beter living standard for them.thanks

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13y ago

It is science of all society used to alocate limited resourses to fulfil the need of the community as a whole

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b i t c h

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