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1. advancement of the public welfare

2. consequence of absence

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Q: What is the purpose and necessity of the government?
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What is the purpose of and necessity of the government?

1. advancement of the public welfare 2. consequence of absence

How do explain the necessity of political parties Just two reasons?

The necessity of political parties include; 1. They bring various representatives together so that a responsible government could be formed. 2. They support or restrain the government in the formulation of policies.

What did lock believe was the purpose of government?

According to Locke: Man's purpose is to further God's purpose, and government's purpose is to enable man in his purpose. Please see the link.

What did John Locke was the purpose of government?

According to Locke: Man's purpose is to further God's purpose, and government's purpose is to enable man in his purpose. Please see the link.

What purpose of government is served by military?

Protection is the purpose of government served by military forces.

What is the purpose of the legislature?

the purpose is where the government lives?

What is a general purpose government?

A general-purpose government i s a municipal or county government. In contrast to special districts, general purpose governments provide a wide range of services.

Who discovered the whole numbers?

Numbers were not discovered but were created out of necessity for the purpose of counting livestock and recording the seasons .... etc

A government creates an army Which purpose of government is it fulfilling?

Protection is the purpose of government served by military forces.

How is the purpose of school similar to or different from the purpose of government?

school is to educate government is to over see process of govering

What is government and what id its purpose?

the purpose is the citizens people is paying taxes to the government and the government just taking the money and doing the own thing with it to help out what they need

What was the purpose of the loyalty review board?

Its purpose was to investigate government employees and to dismiss those who were found to be disloyal to the U.S. government.