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Q: What is the politically correct way to say garbage man?
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It is a more politically correct way to say handicapped.

Can you give me an example of a sentence using the term politically correct?

It is politically correct to say that black people are african-american. And white people are just white.

What is another way to say man years?

Person years. More popularly know as Man-hours or Person-hours. Recent politically-correct alternatives include Person-hours, Staff-hours and Employee-hours.

How do you say retard in other languages?

Try saying something more polite or politically correct!!

Why is it important to use politically correct terms?

It is not. It is more important to say what you mean. When you become overly concerned about possibly giving offense you lose the ability to communicate clearly. "I'd rather be right than politically correct."

Should you live in your on rubbish?

what are you an English man, no offense,but you mean to say garbage right?but anyway, no, that's disguisting,if what you meant is garbage

Is it correct English to say ' thinking of my man'?

It is correct.

How come they always say man made not women made?

Because in the past it was widely and unjustly believed that men were superior to women. In developed countries this is changing and women are more equal to men. It is more politically correct to say "human made"

Is black politically correct?

Yes, "black" is politically correct, provided you are not referring to African-Americans. "African-American" would be wrong when referring to someone from, say, Jamaica. "Black" might be the preferred term for an individual whose nationality is unknown.

How do you say garbage man in spanish?

Basurero/colector de basuras

Why is it politically correct to say Happy Holidays?

Saying "Happy Holidays" to someone is politically correct because not everyone celebrates the same holiday. Saying "Happy Holidays" will be less offending than telling someone "Merry Christmas" who does not celebrate Christmas.