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Q: What is the main idea of democracy and the policy preferences of wealthy Americans?
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The Wealthy :)

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A democracy

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The main priority of American foreign policy is to .?

protect democracy

What were some of the polocies that defined the jacksonian democracy?

One policy of Jacksonian democracy was to avoid divisive debates over slavery. Another policy was the support of Manifest Destiny and westward expansion.

What is government public policy?

public policy means welfare of the state. public policy can also be said as democracy (By the people ,For the people ,To the people.)

What is a direct democracy about?

Direct democracy allows citizens to make policy decisions through a majority vote. In contrast, representative democracies allow citizens to elect representatives to make policy decisions for them.

What has the author Caglar Ozden written?

Caglar Ozden has written: 'The perversity of preferences' -- subject(s): Commercial policy, Exports, Free trade, Tariff preferences

What was the impact of government policy on Native Americans?

You are asking the wrong question. It should be how did American policy affect Native Americans.

How the federal government's termination policy affected Native Americans?

The policy brought the native americans into mainstream Self-determination

How was Europe affected by the policy known as glasnost?

It led to an increase in Democracy:)