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free speech is the freedom to speak without censorship and limitation

it shoes democracy

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komal abdullah

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Q: What is the importance of Free Speech?
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What is the importance of free speach?

the importance of free speech is that u can express yourself without being express your opinion or concern without the fear of retaliation from the government.

Who said answer bad speech with more speech?

Justice Louis Brandeis famously stated that the remedy for bad speech is not censorship, but more speech. This quote is often used to emphasize the importance of free speech and open debate in a democratic society.

What protects your rights to free speech?

Freedom of Speech protects your rights to free speech.

When can government restric your right to free speech?

never its a free country you have a free speech..

Short speech on importance of trees?


A speech about the importance and perservation of ecotourism?

A speech about the importance and preservation of ecotourism should be well-planned. Such a speech should highlight the benefits of ecotourism and give recommendations on the various ways it can be preserved and improved.

When was Free Speech Coalition created?

Free Speech Coalition was created in 1991.

Supporter of free speech in the scopes trial?

Clarence Darrow was the supporter of free speech in the Scopes trial.

Many countries passed laws protecting free speech in the 18th century How do these actions reflect Enlightenment thought?

The laws assert the importance of individual rights and freedoms.

What is fortas opinion about the notion tha free speech can cause controversy?

Forta believes that free speech can indeed cause controversy as it allows individuals to express their diverse views and opinions. Controversy is a natural outcome when people with different perspectives engage in open dialogue. However, Forta also recognizes the importance of protecting free speech as a fundamental democratic right.

How is Russia improving?

well kinda it is a democracy but they dont have free speech or free press they do have free religion though & there working on free speech

Which freedom restricts the right of a person to slander another person?

The question is looking for the answer of: Free Speech. However, free speech s not being constrained, ONLY the mis-use of free speech.