Homonyms are words that are spelled and pronounced the same, but have different meanings (bear, bear). Homonym is sometimes, and confusingly, used interchangeably with homophone. Homophones are words that are pronounced the same regardless of their spelling (heir, air, ere). Homographs are words that are spelled the same regardless of their pronunciation (incense, incense; desert, desert).
I can find no homonyms, homophones, or homographs for mayor.
Homonyms for "capitol" are "capital" and "cattle."
The homonyms of "him" are "hymn" and "hymn".
homonyms adds
Build is the homonyms of bill
Some homonyms for benevolence include "bene violence" and "bean violence."
The homonyms of "late" are "eight" and "bait."
"May" and "merry" are month homonyms.
There are three syllables in homonyms.
The homonyms for "massed" are "mast" and "mazed."
Homonyms of "change" include "chained" and "changeling."
enchanted Leninism/English/homonyms
the 100 examples of homonyms are 100