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Q: What is the hereditary right of a monarch to rule?
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What theory of government determined the next monarch in an absolute monarchy?

The theory was that authority is hereditary. A related theory is that monarchs rule by divine right.

A person who rules for life or by hereditary right?


Who is the hereditary monarch?

queen elizebeth

A hereditary ruler who governs is a?


Does divine right mean that god had appointed the monarch to rule?

Yes God had intended for that monarch to rule but that does not mean that some of them were (and still are) wrong in their rulings.

Is a Hereditary monarch the head of state with limited powers?

A monarch with limited powers is something separate from hereditary monarchy. A hereditary monarch is a system of governance where a person inherits the kingdom from someone in his family. A monarch with limited powers is a system of governance where the monarch can only do certain types of activities because others are prohibited by law. You can have a hereditary monarchy with unlimited powers, like Saudi Arabia. You can have a hereditary monarchy with limited powers, like Spain. You can have a non-hereditary monarchy with unlimited powers, like some previous African Kingdoms (the King was an appointed position). You can have a non-hereditary monarchy with limited powers, but this is only theoretical as there has never been such a monarchy in history.

The belief that God gave the monarch the right to rule is the?

Divine right of kings. This concept asserts that a monarch's authority to rule comes directly from God, making their power absolute and not subject to challenge. It was a widely held belief in many European monarchies during the Middle Ages and early modern period.

The theory justifying a monarch's rule by god's authority is called?

The divine right of kings...

Who is the ruler in a monarchy government?

The Monarch (generally a hereditary King or Queen).

A monarchy is a form of government in which?

a monarch, usually a king or queen, holds supreme authority and power over the state. The monarch's position is typically hereditary, meaning it is passed down within the royal family. Monarchies can be absolute or constitutional, depending on the extent of the monarch's powers.

What was the god given right called?

The god given right is also known as the divine right of kings. It means that a monarch holds the right to rule because of God's will.

What is an element of the divine right theory of a origin of a state?

belief that a monarch's authority to rule comes from a supreme being A+