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Q: What is the difference between theocracy and marxism?
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What are the difference between marxism and neo marxism?

Marxism is a political, economic and social philosophy that primarily seeks to understand how society works and how to change it. Neo-Marxism is a term sometimes used to refer to some of the different strains of Marxism that developed in the 20th century. Strains such as structural Marxism and Western Marxism.

What is a difference between a monarchy and a theocracy?

Theocracy is a small group of religious people that rules the state or country; and Monarchy is where only 1 person rules, which is the king!

What are some similarities between multicultural education and Marxism?

There are no similarities between multicultural education and Marxism.

What is the difference between marxism and communism?

What is the difference between Marxism and Communism?· Marxism is basically a system of analysis, and a way to view the world. Communism, on the other hand, is basically a political movement, a form of government, a condition of society.· Marxism is the theory and Communism is the practical implementation of Marxism.· While Marxism is a political ideology based on Karl Marx's ideas, communism can be called as a political system, which is based on Marxist ideology.The Marxist ideology is to prepare the society for communism.

What is the difference between Theocracy and Democracy?

A theocracy is ruled by priest and religion. Democracy invest the supreme power in the citizens in the community

What is the difference between trotskyism and marxism?

Trotskyism is a political ideology that developed from the ideas of Leon Trotsky, a key figure in the Russian Revolution, while Marxism refers to the political, economic, and philosophical theories developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Trotskyism emphasizes the importance of international revolution and permanent revolution, whereas Marxism focuses on class struggle and the eventual establishment of a classless society.

Why did puritan theocracy end?

Puritan Theocracy ended because of many disagreements between the members.

What is the difference between Jewish education and marxism?

Jewish education is about the 613 commandments of the Torah, which center around how we should behave ethically with other people. Marxism is an socialistic economic system emphasizing equal distribution of wealth. These two things have virtually nothing in common.

How do you use Marxism in a sentence?

Marxism is a social, political, and economic theory that examines the struggles between the ruling class and the working class.

What is the difference between Marxism and Gramscianism?

Marxism focuses on economic determinism and class struggle as the driving forces of history, while Gramscianism emphasizes cultural and ideological hegemony as tools of domination. Gramscianism also introduces the concept of the "war of position" to achieve revolutionary change within existing structures, whereas Marxism typically advocates for a more direct confrontation with the capitalist system.

What are the similarities and differences between functionalism marxism and interactionism?


What are the differences between oligarchy and theocracy?

They are functionally the same. Theocracy is the rule by a small number of a religious sect. The Vatican is an example of a theocracy. The Massachusetts Bay Company was another.