

Best Answer

Start off so in this order: (if the debate is about vegetarianism - negative)

A 1 lined joke

(Example: Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians; except for the occasional mountain lion steak)

The formal hello

(Example: Good Evening Ladie and Gentlemen, Opposition, Chair Person, Time Keeper, and Judges. My Name is Samantha Higgins(Use proper extended name - not nickname (Sam Higgins)) and I am the first speaker for negative side of 'everyone should be vegetarians)

Definition of what you are explaining

(Example: a diet excluding all meat and fish)

First Argument

(Example: if everyone was vegatrians, there will be a a drastic drop in the poultry economy...)

Second Argument

(Example: Economy will be affected badly and in many circumstances, quite a number of people would be jobless...)

Third Argument

(Example: Don't have enough land for agriculture...)

First Statistics Argument

(Example: 10 500 people will lose incom of $270 million

Conclusion paragraph

(Example: restate what you have talked about, question - answer, but make a rhetorical question)

Thankyou Ladies and Gentlemen, Opposition, Chair Person, Time Keeper, and Judges.

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Q: What is the best sentence starter for a debate?
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